
Serious Comms Strategies Can Be All About Games
BLOG, Brand Marketing, Health Marketing, Healthcare Agencies, Healthcare Marketing, PR, Strategy, TechnologyIn mid-July, Wired Magazine released an online article praising the hit video game Overwatch. With over 30 million players, the game has been garnering positive attention for releasing a new character with autistic traits. As pointed out in…

What Inpatients Don't Hear Could Make Them Better
BLOG, Healthcare, Healthcare ProvidersThere is a lot of innovation happening in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. It’s a seemingly steady drip of cloud-based solutions, big data, record-keeping systems, endless amounts of AI-powered tech, and more. The big problems…

Never-Ending Debate About AMA’s Sunshine Approach to Drug Prices?
BLOG, Brand Marketing, Branding, Health Marketing, Healthcare MarketingRecently, the AMA voted in favor of recommending that federal agencies require drugmakers to include prices in direct-to-consumer ads. Resolution 236 proposes forcing drugmakers to state the suggested retail price of any drug advertised DTC.…

Custom, Clear Labeling a Key In Preventing Medication Errors
BLOG, Healthcare, Healthcare ProvidersA disturbing new study points to a dangerous trend: more people are committing medication errors at home, and the trend is rising.
The study found that “serious medical outcomes” from self-administered medication errors doubled from 3,065…

Wearing, Caring and Community Involvement Win Big in Cannes
BLOGThis year, Cannes Lions’ Grand Prix Health Grand Prix for Good award went to an unlikely name. Alongside Afghanistan’s Ministry for Health, McCann Health and McCann Worldgroup Partner swept up the coveted prize, along with four gold Lions,…

Being “Lit” by Plucking Heartstrings Organically
BLOGAt this year’s Aspen Ideas Festival, journalist and author William Bishop outlined the core concept of his new book, The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart, suggesting a rising trend of individuality that…

Digital health venture gives new moms self-help hope
BLOGD.C.-based app team Babyscripts is making waves with a bold attempt at curbing a major medical issue: preterm births. Offering constant connectivity with wearable monitors, Bluetooth-enabled scales and smartphones, the end goal is to provide…

An App and Avatar Attacking Memory Loss in Alzheimers’ Patients
BLOGA brain training game designed by Cambridge University researchers has shown great promise for advances in treating dementia. A study, posted in The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, suggests the game could, as long as the patients…

Robotics help patients be better patients
BLOG, Healthcare, TechnologyIt’s impossible today to read any news from the tech industry without seeing something about the rise of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, news of robotics is just starting to pick up steam. In fact, healthcare is one of only a few…

Smiling Off The Charts
BLOG, HealthcareFew can deny that conversations about patient satisfaction are continuing to grow and intensify. More and more leading providers are stressing a needed shift in attitude from treating patient care as a transaction toward acknowledging it as…

What “The Undoing Project” Says About Healthcare Today
BLOGThere are those who endure the wrinkle in time otherwise known as winter by counting the days until Pitchers and Catchers – that day of rebirth in mid-February when baseball’s pitchers and catchers report to spring training. But even if…

Biotechnology shows hope for the heart
BLOGThis past summer there was a report of a scientific feat that should give biotechnology another reason to plant a flag with conviction. Kevin Kit parker of Harvard University’s Wyss Institute, together with a dedicated team, have announced…