
Wearing Our Hearts on Our Wrists
BLOGFor now it tends to be the more motivated among us who sport Fitbits and the like in order to keep track of our steps, heart rate, diet, sleep, and other signs that we are alive and well. But the renowned cardiologist and geneticist Dr. Eric…

A Slice of Rao's Genius Branding
BLOG, Brand Marketing, PRI love Rao’s® restaurant. Was there very recently and enjoyed it beyond all expectation. Make no mistake, the experience was seismic, intimate as it could have been outside a bedroom – wait staff literally sits at your table, pays real…

Healthcare in 2016: Boundless Opportunities to Make a Difference
BLOG, Health Marketing, Healthcare Providers, PRIt is one of the most invigorating times to be thinking about, caring about, talking about and working in healthcare. There continues to be great progress for the better, despite the many hurdles, twists and turns along the way.
This isn’t…

Through the (Google) Glass with Autism
BLOG, Brand Development, HealthcareThe “gee-whiz” factor got knocked out of Google Glass pretty quickly. A little over two years after it was introduced to the public in a test version, Google put Glass back under deep research cover after people developed an almost instinctive…

Navigating The Polarities of Social Media
BLOG, Brand Advocacy, Brand Alignment, Health MarketingIf there’s one thing this term’s political conventions are showing us, it’s the polarity of contemporary America. While each wing seems to be slowly and worryingly radicalizing, an interesting New York Magazine cover story this week suggests…

Becoming Ever More Human in the Looming Age of AI
Advertising, BLOG, Brand Marketing, PR“I want to suggest that one of the worries about robots that you hear about a lot—and it’s a legitimate worry—is that robots are going to take our jobs.”
Kevin Kelly, sat comfortably on a common stool, drops this quasi-dystopian…

Music as Precision Medicine
BLOG, Healthcare ProvidersWhat do Rock-and-Roll Hall of Famer Peter Gabriel, Grammy-Award-winning alternative artist Annie Clark (St. Vincent), critically acclaimed electronic musician Jon Hopkins and distinguished composer and conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen all have in…

Creativity and the Power of Place
Advertising, BLOG, Branding, PRAlexis de Tocqueville once wrote, “People get the government they deserve” (something we might be thinking long and hard about after this election season is over). In a twist, former NPR international correspondent Eric Weiner makes the…

Tuning in to Life’s Minor Characters
BLOG, PR, StorytellingIt was a shock to the baby boomer eco-system of a friend when her millennial daughter called her one night last winter and asked, “Have you been listening to that show on NPR?”
That show on what?
Was her daughter – the one who always…

SuperGiggles, Aside?
BLOG, PR, Traditional AdvertisingThe Superbowl is the Ad industry's annual pilgrimage to self-awareness. Few events act as much as a signifier of our hyper-contemporary habits: our living, thinking and acting. It's secular America's holy day, but as Ad Age put it, judgement…

Make Way for More Face Time, Less Screen Time in the Exam Room
BLOG, Healthcare Providers, PhysiciansLast month I wrote about it being a “zeitgeist moment” for physician-patient communication. And it is, with everything from healthcare reform to outcomes research reinforcing the centrality of the physician-patient relationship as the “heart…

A “Zeitgeist Moment” for Improving Physician-Patient Communication
BLOG, Healthcare Providers, PhysiciansWhile the debate about drug costs rages on – whether we’re talking about innovative new ones or the more recent trend of turning decades-old, inexpensive drugs into high-priced “specialty drugs” – it is worth considering the value…